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My Heart Is Open For You

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As a parent of a child with special needs, the journey can get lonely.  If you are traveling alone, it feels endless.  There are lots of people that have built in support, in the form of a spouse or close sibling.  Then there are those that are not fortunate to have that built in support system.  If you don't have it, you can create it.  That is my mantra.  

There are loads of support groups out there.  You can google your hometown along with the support group you are looking for in the search bar.  If you don't find an existing one, you can create one on your own. 

The best way to start is to find a meeting place.  Of course you can go virtual but I personally feel a connection in person is more bonding.  A local coffee house or your public library can be a great start for the meeting.  Make sure that you have comfortable chairs or sofas and if you do choose a coffee house then refreshments is no big deal.  If it is in the library or another public place, find out what their policy is regarding food and beverages. A few cans of soda will do the trick. 

A good way to start your meeting is by having an interesting or informative article to read together.  It can be about the medical condition you are navigating, or a nice article of inspiration.  Make sure to let everyone take a turn to talk.  If someone would rather just listen, let them know that that is okay as well.  When you get comfortable with each other, you may choose to exchange phone numbers.  Set up another meeting before you all leave, so that you know it really will take place.  It can be in person or on zoom, whatever works without pressure. 

These new acquaintances may just become lifelong friends.  You never know.

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