Save The Calculator For Math Class
The school nurse and your child's teacher should have clear instructions as per the time and amount of each feed.
Three Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue.
Our "Home of the Brave' onesies celebrate the heroic tubies living in the United States. Back in 1776 the founding fathers set the path for the weak to overcome the strong. Despite all obstacles, our brave soldiers forged on and continued to fight. Fast 2017. Despite setbacks and obstacles along the way, our brave children forge on.
You Don't Have To Be a Rocket Scientist To Figure This One.
Where are the dads?
I came across a rather interesting phenomenon as I was going through the invoices of starberrykids . All the orders are being placed by mom (or grandma, and yes some were gifted by friends). Brittany, Jennifer, Linda, Susanne, Melissa, Annemarie to name but a few. To all the devoted moms out there, hats off to you. You are a devoted, caring #1 superwoman. You don't need to wait until Mother's Day to celebrate yourself.
Welcome winter
It certainly feels like winter has arrived even though it is not yet December 21. Shivering cold at the bus stop this morning. Small patches of snow glistening on the front lawn. Layers, layers, layers. That's the trick to keeping warm. The bottom most layer is the starberrykids onesie. My favorite for this time of year is button down shirts right over the undershirt. That way the extension can go right through the flap on the undershirt and woven through the buttons on the shirt. Then comes the sweater on top. I actually found a great sweatshirt that snaps in...